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What Does "Customer-Centric" Mean?

If you're not a subscriber to CRM.Talk, the world's largest CRM discussion community (45,000 members) you missed some great answers to this question. Here's one "post" that cuts through the jargon and explains in practical terms how to *be* customer-centric.

"I used to work for one of the top US credit card distributors in the UK. They had a very simple slogan - 'think of yourself as a Customer' - posted above every door of every room in every building. It set the context for every meeting, discussion and decision from front line staff taking direct action with customers to board members defining future strategy. It encouraged people to challenge process when, from the viewpoint of the customer, it didn't make sense.  Sounds simple, but I have, since leaving, found few organisations that not only claim to be customer centric, but have every individual sharing the customer ethos and making the right decisions on a daily basis.  This organisation also required that everyone in the organisation took calls from customers in the call centre -- thus ensuring that whether you were in IT, Marketing, HR or any other division, you were always in touch with the direct impact of the fruits of your labour on the customer. A huge challenge for any business, but demonstrated an absolute commitment to putting the customer at the heart of your business."

Sally Earnshaw, Budd UK Ltd

El retorno de la inversión en entrenamiento ejecutivo de equipos gerenciales es exponencial y en minutos. Norman Vincent Peale.
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