Definiciones de CRM (Inglés) Tips CRM CRM Definitions Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Linking back-office and front-office functions with all of a company's touch points (for example, call centers, the corporate Web site) with the customer. Can refer to either a business strategy or software tools.Enterprise Relationship Management (ERM): Extends CRM to include other relationships, such as those with business partners and suppliers.Sales-Force Automation (SFA): Software that automates mundane tasks such as tracking customer contacts and forecasting. The goal is to free up the sales force to concentrate more on selling.One-to-One Marketing: Marketing that effectively targets individual customers with customized products and services.L. Fickel El retorno de la inversión en entrenamiento ejecutivo de equipos gerenciales es exponencial y en minutos. Norman Vincent Peale. Te gustó? Compártelo ! Tweet Whatsapp Prev Next